Archive for the ‘Book Review’ Category


The Barbarian Invasion

April 16, 2013

51bdOq5LRcL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_SX240_SY320_CR,0,0,240,320_SH20_OU01_It’s hard for me to imagine that Jesus experienced the agony of the Cross and all that led up to it, just to free me to live as I wish, do my own thing, and then one day go to heaven. Oh ok, throw in showing up on Sunday, singing a few songs, and listen to a sermon. Still seems pretty unbalanced to me.

Two thousand years ago the disciples of Jesus, did as had been done by many others before them, (Hebrews 11). They placed their lives in jeopardy to share a message about the power of what happened on that cross and the empty tomb that came three days later. It fact, nothing could shut them up not even the threat of death.

Something has happened over the last two millennia. We have lost our way, the barbarian way Edwin Raphael McManus would say. In his book, “Unleashed, Release The Untamed Faith Within”, McManus says, “Perhaps the tragedy of our time is that such an overwhelming number of us who declare Jesus as Lord have become domesticated—or, if you will, civilized.”

Later he continues, “Christianity has become docile, domesticated, civilized. We have forgotten that there is a kingdom of darkness stealing the hopes and dreams and souls of a humanity without God. It is time to hear the barbarian call, to form a barbarian tribe, and to unleash the barbarian revolt. Let the invasion begin…”

Seem a little radical? I don’t think that the early disciples would think so. I don’t think that the underground persecuted church today would think so.

I want to recommend McManus’ book to you. Mass market editions are available for only $6 and it is a quick read, only 144 pages. I said quick read. I didn’t say easy read, because it will challenge you to look again at your purpose. It will challenge you to find the adventure and risk in your walk with Christ. He will challenge you to join the Barbarian Revolution. I did. I hope you will too!


The Shack

February 19, 2008


I am deeply indebted to Tommy at Believing Thomas Blog for his recommendation of “The Shack”.  I have never been a big fan of novels, but this one is special in so many ways. I just finished reading it this morning, and I am totally in awe. Stop what you are doing and order this book!

Eugene Peterson is comparing it to John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”. I think he may be right. I have recommended it to our Life Group as a possible text for our future studies together.

While you will not see scripture quoted, you will see scripture applied and God in three persons may just become more real to you than ever before. And you may just be given a peak into the answer to the question that we have all ask at one time or another…Why…? Some will no doubt want to debate its doctrinal accuracy, as if they had all the answers themselves, so read it for what it is…a novel. A novel that might just change your life.
