Archive for August, 2012


August 31, 2012

Hope Springs International

A friend that I had not seen in years asked me a while back what I was doing now. As I began to explain my work with Hope Springs International in Africa, and before I could finish he interrupted with this response. “Yeah, I know all about those rice Christians.” His years in Vietnam had colored his view of mission work in developing nations. He saw hungry masses responding to preachers offering food and determined this was really all they were interested in. I am sure there was an element of truth in his observation, but to judge all work among developing nations this way was not only unfair, it was personally disheartening.

I just received a report from Pierre Rimorbe, Evangelist in Dono-Manga, Chad. He reported that 12 more people had put Christ on in baptism; hardly a picture of masses coming for the loaves and fishes. It takes…

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August 28, 2012

Hope Springs International

Dan Bouchelle, President at Missions Resource Network made a very important statement recently. “You can’t always measure the impact of a missionary in his or her lifetime. The Chinese church could not have gone viral when driven underground if missionaries hadn’t carried the gospel there decades before.”

God can and will take our efforts

today and use them for His glory in generations yet to come. This is the reason I am so excited about Hope Springs International’s work in Southern Chad. We have an opportunity to impact the next generation for Christ through the seeds that are being planted today in Dono-Manga. Alycia Neighbors wrote recently, “Standing on the bank of a river, a pebble is casually tossed into the water. Ripples are cast in all directions and the surface of the water is changed. In God’s service we have the power to cause ripples that will…

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August 24, 2012

Hope Springs International

Poisonous snake bites resulting in death or amputation are a great problem in Chad. The problem is often dwarfed by the greater needs of potable water, health care and food production. But it is never the less a serious problem in Dono-Manga.

Dono-Manga is home to the Puff Adder (pictured at the left), Boomslang, West African Carpet Viper, two types of Cobra and the deadly Black Mamba. Bites from Cobras and Mambas can be deadly because their venom can cause paralysis of the muscles needed to breath, leading to death from lack of Oxygen within six hours. The West African Carpet Viper can cause hemorrhaging leading to death. While not all venomous bites cause death, many do result in amputations and the younger the victim, the greater the likelihood of death.

The inability to reach medical care is one of the biggest issues in the treatment of venomous snake bites…

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August 23, 2012

Hope Springs International

In January of this year Lindsey McDuffie and the members of Crossfit Hendersonville made a commitment to provide $10,000.00 to help ship our new portable well drilling rig to Dono-Manga, Chad in Central Africa. In May they presented Hope Springs with a check for $6,000.00 and said they would have the rest by the end of September. This week I received an invitation from Lindsey to join them on Friday September 7th when they will present Hope Springs with their final installment.

Since 2009 Hope Springs’ projects have rehabbed 26 out-of-service wells, and drilled 35 new wells bringing clean water to an estimated 91,000 people. Shipping this new rig to Chad will enable us to drill many more wells in target villages throughout southern Chad. Each time we add a new well another 1500 people on average receive safe drinking water. We deeply appreciate the efforts of Lindsey McDuffie and

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August 17, 2012

Hope Springs International

You made a difference in the lives of hundreds of people by your gifts. Malaria is the 2nd leading cause of death from infectious diseases in Africa, after HIV/AIDS. A Treated Mosquito Net is the number one preventative of Malaria and not affordable to the vast majority of the people who need them.

Half of the children born in rural Chad will die because of a lack of portable water and no protection again mosquito bites that often result in malaria. Hope Springs International is committed to providing solutions to both of these major problems.

Thanks you for being Jesus to these little ones. “whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water ( or mosquito net) because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Matt. 10:42 (emphasis mine)

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August 11, 2012

Ten bucks to save a life!

Hope Springs International

We will be making the wire transfer of funds for treated mosquito nets one week from today. Each net cost only $10 each. That is about the price to two cheap meal deals at McDonald’s. In Chad families live on about $2.00 a day, or about $600.00 per year. $10.00 is a week’s salary in Dono-Manga, Chad. Can you imagine paying a week’s salary, considering what you make per week, just to protect your child or pregnant wife? You and I could do that and still feed our family, the Chadian family could not.

There is still time to make a donation through PayPal at our website: (Click on the PayPal symbol in the upper right hand corner of any page), or by snail mail to: Hope Springs International, 118 Wessington Place, Hendersonville, TN 37075.

You won’t miss the $10.00, but a pregnant mom or child in Dono-Manga, Chad…

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August 5, 2012

Help us save lives!

Hope Springs International

We have just received this urgent message from Pierre Rimorbe, Evangelist in Dono-Manga, Chad.

Pierre continues, “The rainy season has brought a sharp increase in the cases of Malaria, especially among the children in Dono-Manga. At the moment our Jordan Health Center is overwhelmed dealing with cases of Malaria day and night. There is a great need for treated mosquito nets which has proved helpful in the prevention and reduction of cases in the past.”

In our last update, we challenged you to be a ripple. We asked for you to help make a difference of life and hope for the people of Dono-Manga.

This situation of Malaria-caused deaths still escalates and now the situation is dire for the children and pregnant women of Dono-Manga, Chad.

Now we beg you to help us save lives.

The treated mosquito nets we are seeking are only $10 each. We need to…

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